Women's Cabinet

Women's Cabinet Logo - Harvard College Women's Center

The Women's Cabinet is a collaborative board of student leaders from women focused student organizations throughout Harvard College. The goal of the Women's Cabinet is to strengthen and amplify the voices of women students on campus. We work towards this goal by sharing best practices for organizational longevity, providing funding incentives for collaborative programming (only offered to recognized groups) and increasing dialogue amongst women students to build bridges of understanding across areas of interest.


The mission of the Women’s Cabinet is to serve as a think tank and a microphone for issues related to women at Harvard College. Cabinet members are provided space to speak frankly – highlighting concerns and discussing solutions – in order to sustain a community that values the voices of women.


When creating programming on behalf of or in collaboration with the Women’s Cabinet, Cabinet Chairs, and Designated Representatives, Member Organizations should always keep in mind the Cabinet’s core values as follows:

  • Intersectional - As representatives of a wide range of student organizations, the Women’s Cabinet values the diversity of perspectives and intersectional identities the members bring with them as fundamental to achieving our goals.
  • Women-Focused - The Women’s Cabinet respects and appreciates contributions from all members of the Harvard community, however the primary focus of the Women’s Cabinet is supporting women by addressing women’s issues and creating spaces that are controlled by women.


  1. Publicity of your organization's events through the Women's Center newsletter
  2. Funding from the Women's Center for collaborative events across cabinet member organizations
  3. Social space for women leaders
  4. Combining the voice of your student group/team with that of other women's organizations to mobilize around issues that impact women on campus
  5. Reserved seating at the annual Women's Leadership Awards and other opportunities
  6. Professional development opportunity to be involved with the Ann Radcliffe Trust Grant review committee, to determine distribution of up to $15,000/year to raise awareness of women, women’s leadership, and women’s issues at Harvard and beyond.


  • Maintain registered status with Women's Cabinet
  • Attend the Cabinet kick-off meeting and regular committee meetings
  • Contribute to meetings through discussion and content-generation
  • Follow through with action-oriented commitments made during meetings
  • The Women's Cabinet meets twice a semester in full, once for the kick-off meeting and once for a closing meeting/social. During the semester, members will meet regularly in their committees. The Women's Cabinet keeps a rolling membership

register now


For more information on how your organization can get involved with the Women's Cabinet please email the Women's Cabinet Chair at wcab@fas.harvard.edu.